Dr Brian's SmartaMarketing 2

Smarta Marketing Ideas for Smarta Marketers

Month: December, 2012

Power and Strategy

It is not enough for a leader to know the right thing.  He must be able to do the right thing.  The … leader without the judgment or perception to make the right decisions fails for lack of vision.  The one who knows the right thing but cannot achieve it fails because he is ineffectual.  The great leader needs  the capacity to achieve.

Power, is simply the capacity to bring about certain intended consequences in the behaviour of others

Power is the opportunity to build, to create, to nudge thing in a particular direction.

Those who do not understand what power is and why it is necessary will not have the ability to get things done.

Power is about the ability to influence things

Prioritising in Planning

Dr. Brian Monger

Prioritising skills are the ability to see which tasks are more important at any moment and to give those tasks more attention, energy, and time. The focus is on what is important at the expense of lower value activities.

Prioritising is about making choices and decisions of what to do first. To prioritise effectively there is a need to recognise what is important, as well as to see the difference between urgent and important.

An organisation’s implementation capabilities may be:

  • time specific: it may gain or lose the competencies needed for execution over time, so implementation capabilities change;
  • culture specific: no two organisations using similar marketing strategies are going to implement them the same way – because they are culturally different;
  • partially capable: an organisation may be well equipped to undertake certain functions needed for effective implementation, but not all the necessary functions;
  • latent: an organisation may have the technical and human resources required but not the ability to use those resources through lack of experience;
  • internally inconsistent: some parts of an organisation may be better equipped to execute a strategy than others;
  • person specific: implementation capabilities may rely on specific managers.